PhD course on MSP

Start date: 06.05.2019
End date: 08.05.2019
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Turku, Finland
PhD courses
Maritime Spatial Planning processes in Baltic Sea countries - PhD course (5 ECTS) The University of Turku and the BONUS BASMATI project will jointly arrange a 5 ECTS PhD level course in Turku, Finland. The course will focus on the evaluation of the ongoing national and international maritime spatial planning initiatives, as well as on […]

PhD course on SDSS

Start date: 20.08.2018
End date: 22.08.2018
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
PhD courses
Spatial Decision Support Systems for Maritime Spatial Planning Maritime Spatial Planning is a complicated process balancing different uses of the sea without making severe impacts on the environment. The aim of this PhD course is to introduce the PhD students to various methodologies for spatial decisions support, give them an overview of existing systems, and […]