Kick-off meeting
The official launch of the BONUS BASMATI project occurred at the kick-off event organised in the premises of Nordregio, in Stockholm. External event with invited speakers and guests was organised on Thursday 28th September. In addition to that, two meeting days were reserved for internal project work.
The morning programme for the external meeting included speeches from:
• Kjell Nilsson (Nordregio)
• Henning Sten Hansen, BONUS BASMATI
• Meelis Sirendi (BONUS)
• Alda Nikodēmusa (VASAB)
• Nordregio – the launch of Nordregio News
Afternoon was dedicated to discussion about the concepts and methods related to MSP:
• Q-method on MSP, Malena Ripken (COAST, Oldenburg University)
• Ecosystem service concepts and indicators for MSP, Pia Frederiksen (Aarhus University)
• MSP – moving from research to governance, Holger Janßen (Ministerium für Energie, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
• Symphony – Cumulative impact on the environment, Jonas Pålsson (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)
In addition, experiences from MSP projects and processes were presented:
• Baltspace, Kira Gee (Helmholtz Zentrum) and Andrea Morf (Norderegio)
• Go4Baltic, Berit Hasler (Aarhus University)